To that dream come true moment

She was like a rock
Breaking her fears into small stones
carving stones into beautiful art “

– Sravya Akkarabani

Have you ever considered turning your life experiences πŸ™Œ into quotations to inspire yourself and others? I had never considered doing so 😬. Yet times have changed since then. As an individual, I am evolving. I’m not amazed that I’m writing these lines by myself, representing my quest for a better life 😎.

πŸ’­ A few years ago, I was curious if I would ever fulfil my unrealistic dream of studying for an MBA in London lacking proper financial stability πŸ’·. And I quickly learned that if I actually focus on learning ‘How’ to accomplish my goal, solutions would finally fall into place. I’ve wanted to find a road I can walk down through several challenges πŸ§—β€β™€οΈ and even harsh remarks from others.

But it was a roller coaster journey from looking for the right funding sources to being accepted into the university before I received my visa with 4 weeks in delay. Slowly, situations were improving, and in a matter of days, I realised that I will indeed be able to satisfy a long-held aspiration by relocating to London✨ 😍. The city that is awaiting to give some sparks to my life.

I can’t tell you what an amazing experience it was. Now that I finished my course successfully with a distinction πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ“ and continuing my mission for higher growth πŸš€.

YAY!!!! ‘Its a dream come true moment’ ✌

The only aspect I’ve ever mentioned unequivocally is πŸ‘‡

Never give-up and have faith in what you do

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